Customers love scheduling themselves anytime, anywhere in seconds

Our statistics show that over 55% bookings are made outside business hours!

Utilise Multichannel Online Bookings

  • Accept bookings from numerous channels including your website, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
  • Provide easier booking experience for your clients by allowing them to schedule services on their phones in seconds
  • Even in after hours, you can get more bookings by utilising client self-service. Clients can see your free slots and book services 24/7 based on accurate real-time staff availability.
web phone

Manage Your Business, Staff & Customer Base

  • Easily control staff schedule, services offered & availability, and keep the team updated on the business agenda.
  • Build customer database so you can contact clients, ask for testimonials & incentivise them to book your services again.
  • Get automated reports & insights about the performance of your business.
  • Boost your company's visibility online & promote it via social media sites, SMS and email marketing.

Automated SMS Reminders, Confirmations & Updates

  • Minimise no-shows by sending automated SMS & email reminders to your clients whose appointments are due.
  • Assure clients that bookings were successfully accepted by sending SMS confirming their appointment details.
  • Keep customers up-to-date when bookings are changed. Our system automatically informs clients about changes which affect their booking.
Appointment Confirmationclose
Appointment Reminderclose
Appointment Changeclose
Appointment Cancellationclose
Calendrier en ligne

Offrez la possibilité à un client de réserver des services sur votre site Web, Facebook, et les sites partenaires.

Rappels par courriel et SMS

Des rappels automatiques par SMS ou par e-mail sur les visites à venir sont envoyés sans aucun effort de votre part.

Avances et acomptes

Offrez à vos clients la possibilité de payer un acompte ou le plein prix d'un service et assurez la visite du client.

Synchronisation du calendrier

Synchronisation en temps réel avec les autres calendriers que vous utilisez.

Renseignements sur les clients et passe-temps

Connaissez non seulement l'historique des contacts et des visites de vos clients, mais notez également les détails importants pour les autres visites.

Rétroaction des clients

Recueillir automatiquement les commentaires des clients et avoir la possibilité d'effectuer des examens ou de recueillir d'autres données statistiques.

Chèques-cadeaux + coupons de services

Vendez des bons d'achat ou des coupons de services prépayés.

Offres de dernière minute

Avez-vous du temps libre ? Il est peut-être temps de l'utiliser et de faire une offre de dernière minute?


Visitorify can create a ‘tab’ in your facebook page allowing customers to schedule their next appointment. Facebook visitors are 3x more likely to book their next appointment with you.


Start accepting appointments on your website. The Visitorify website widget seamlessly integrates with your existing website. You can do it yourself!


With every account, Visitorify provides a unique sub-domain that you can use to create your own booking page. And you know the best part? It's completely FREE!

Try Visitorify for free

Setup Visitorify in just a few minutes. Schedule simple and efficiently.